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Bridging System

Bridging System (Complementary Higher Education):

This program for first time in Afghanistan started as the initiative of ZIHE with the genuine support of the Ministry of Higher Education. This program implemented by ZIHE considering all the accepted academic norms and national standards. The complementary higher education bridging system includes the following faculties:

  • Midwives higher education/Complementary education
  • Dentistry Higher education/Complementary education
  • Nurses Higher education/Complementary education
  • Medical Technicians (Laboratory)Higher education/complementary education
  • Pharmacy higher education/complementary education
  • Medical imaging & Sonography education/ complementary education
  • Medical engineering education/ complementary education

he aim of this program is to provide complementary education up-to higher education levels for the post-registered medical staff to develop their levels of education in their respected fields and not to be drained and shifted to other jobs.

Followings are the female dominant bridging system education programs which briefly described as examples: 

Faculty of Higher Education for Midwives (Bridging program): this program started as ZIHE’s initiative for the first time in Afghanistan which luckily got a big support from the Ministry of Higher Education and the afghan midwifery associations (AMA) cooperation. The program helps the Post Registered Midwives to enter the higher education program, and to remain in their work field as midwives for providing maternity services for afghan women, which is one of the neediest areas of interventions for improvement mother and child health care services. The first batch of this program is in its final stage and the 2nd batch of the program with around 50 midwives (female) is at the end of its first semester

Faculty of Higher Education for Dental Care Nurses: this program is another initiative of ZIHE which for the first time in Afghanistan provided the chance for post-graduate dental care nurses (stomatologues) to upgrade their education levels and gain higher education’s as bachelors (license).

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